Aftercare Options
Once the detox is complete, it will be time to implement an aftercare plan. There are many resources that you may consider adding to your aftercare plan; for some it will be intensive, and others may have to design it around full-time jobs and demanding schedules. The following is a list of ideas to explore and research (and combine!) when designing your aftercare plan:
Inpatient Rehabilitation Centers
Halfway House / Sober Living
Recovery Groups ~12 Step or SMART Recovery
Holistic Retreats
Ayahuasca or Kambo Sessions
Religion / Spirituality
Employment / Career Change
Yoga and Tai Chi Classes
Motivational Speakers
Taking Up a Hobby
Outpatient Recovery Programs
Psychotherapy or Counseling
Online Recovery / Support Groups
Ibogaine Therapy
Nutrition and Fitness
School or Training Programs
Meditation Groups
Reading Self-Help Books
Community Service / Volunteering